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National Guard Selects ANP as Premier Solution

Newark, DE (August 20, 2014) - After more than two years of technology evaluation in determining the best overall solution to rapidly detecting and identifying potential biological warfare threats and events, the United States National Guard has made the decision to outfit all of its Rapid Response Units with ANP Technologies’ Nano-Intelligent Detection Systems (NIDS®) Biothreat Detection System. The NIDS® rapid handheld biothreat detection system allows the detection and identification of various biological agents simultaneously within 15 minutes, while exhibiting no Hook Effect, a deadly false negative result in the presence of high levels of biological agents.


ANP is the ONLY company that currently addresses this issue, which has plagued the first responders with significantly increased operational risks, complexity, as well as cost and logistics. The NIDS® rapid handheld biothreat detection system has previously been developed and fielded by the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security/FEMA.


“We worked very hard on this one, as there were numerous influential stakeholders that required proof of the system’s ability to exceed expectations. This was proved out by work performed at some of the top Government laboratories in the country. We were also able to demonstrate, through real world examples, just how incredibly effective the systems are,” commented Tom Bodnar, ANP’s Chief Business Officer. Dr. Ray Yin, ANP’s founder and president also noted, "In addition to our existing customers from the Federal Government, the NIDS® biothreat detection system continues to expand its reach to various local first responders. We look forward to the time when we will be able to put these state of the art systems into the hands of each and every first responder in the United States.”

About ANP Technologies, Inc.
ANP Technologies, Inc. is a world leader in developing and commercializing various nanobiotechnology-based products for applications related to immunogenicity, biodefense, biologic drug development/testing and therapeutic drug delivery.

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