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ANP Technologies’ Founder Garners 2010 AAPS Excellence in Ligand Binding Assays Award

Newark, DE (May 17, 2010) – ANP Technologies®, Inc. (ANP) today announced that its founder received the 2010 Excellence in Ligand Binding Assays Award by the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) for the company's breakthrough technology in immunogenicity testing. 

Today, the award was presented to Dr. Ray Yin, President and Chief Technology Officer of ANP at the annual American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Conference in San Francisco, California, where ANP also presented the results of its research.

Immunogenicity is a major challenge in developing the next wave of powerful and innovative biologic drugs.  Unless these drugs are properly designed, the patient may develop resistance in the form of anti-drug antibodies that can lower drug efficacy and even lead to patient morbidity and death. Despite the availability of expensive and complex detection instruments, the detection of anti-drug antibodies with a wide range of binding affinities, particularly against peptide drugs and polyethylene glycol (PEG) polymers attached to biologic drugs, has remained a daunting scientific challenge in the biologic drug development field.  ANP’s nanotechnology-based rapid double antigen bridging assay is ideally suited for immunogenicity testing since it requires no sample dilution or washing steps as per interim guidelines promulgated by the Food & Drug Administration in their December 2009 Guidance for Industry entitled “Assay Development for Immunogenicity Testing of Therapeutic Proteins”.

Upon being informed of this award, Dr. Ray Yin reacted as follows, “I am most humbled and appreciative of the AAPS Committee for selecting our technology as a truly revolutionary platform in performing pre-clinical and clinical immunogenicity testing for biologic drugs. We look forward to further expanding our technology from immunogenicity testing to after approval monitoring and how it can meet the most recent guidance from the FDA.”

About ANP Technologies, Inc.
ANP Technologies is a multi-faceted nano/biotechnology company focusing on chemical/biological defense and the drug discovery/development services. The company’s mission is twofold:

  • develop cutting-edge technology platforms at the nano/bio interface and

  • apply them in market sectors such as medical diagnostics, biologic drug development services, and protein delivery

Founded in 2002, ANP is headquartered in Newark, Delaware and has received numerous government and commercial contracts, grants and awards that have stimulated organic growth and profitability. For more information about ANP, please visit

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