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U.S. Army Awarded ANP Technologies, Inc. and Its Partner a Contract for Full-Fielding of the NIDS® ACE Sensor as Part of the Army’s Environmental Sentinel Biomonitor (ESB) Program.

Newark, DE (February 10, 2018 ) – The U.S. Army has awarded ANP Technologies, Inc. (ANPT) and its partner a contract for full-fielding of the NIDS® ACE sensor as part of the Army’s Environmental Sentinel Biomonitor (ESB) program. The system is designed to rapidly detect toxic compounds including nerve agents and pesticides, as well as toxic/heavy metals in drinking/source water with a rapid test kit along with a handheld reader. This acquisition stems from extensive development and evaluation by the U.S. Army and EPA where the ACE sensor significantly outperformed other candidate technologies.

About ANP Technologies, Inc.

ANP Technologies, Inc. is a world leader in developing and commercializing various Nano-biotechnology-based products for applications in Nano-therapeutics, immunogenicity testing, chemical and biological defense, medical diagnostics, and food safety testing.

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